Update the index sheet to show the latest drawing changes or additions.
On the applicable pages, make sure there are references to this appendix.
Add all related shop drawings that are necessary as an appendix to the As-Built Drawings.
Be consistent when adding notes and use the same figure or shape to denote changes or revisions.
Be sure to add revision notes and corrections to the affected section view, general notes, specific notes, profiles, and schedules.
Use clear lettering when hand-printing notes on the drawings.
Use a fully written explanation to describe changes.
The drawings should be a stand-alone package whenever possible.
Refer to specific actions rather than referencing change-order numbers or related documents.
If possible, As-Built Drawings should be recorded with three base colors using a standard legend: RED = deleted items, GREEN = added items, BLUE = special information or details.
Include all changes arising out of the final inspection process.
If an additional sheet is added to the drawings, try to use the same sheet size, scale, and legend as the one being replaced or being referenced.
Make sure that supplemental pages containing plan modification sketches have been sealed and signed by the registrant author of those changes-for example, the designer, RE, or contractor’s registrant who is providing the sketches.
The set of As-Built Drawings must be a complete package, not just a collection of the pages containing changes.
The person preparing the As-Built Drawings must date every sheet in the upper right-hand corner, whether or not there are changes in that plan sheet.
Record all unexpected obstructions or difficulties found on the job site.
Include elevations, grade modifications, and related information on piping utilities, earthwork, etc.
Provide all necessary information on the contractor's designed systems.
Provide the exact details of changes or additional information, including (but not limited to) fabrication, erection, installation, location, sizing, material, dimension, etc.
If there is no room for the new value within the drawing, notes can be made in the margin, indicating what values are being replaced. This will make it clear that changes have been made.
Never remove old values or details, but rather just draw score lines or "X" through them.
When adding detail to the drawings, make sure to use the same scale as was used in the original drawings.
Cross out words such as "equal to" or "similar to" and replace them with the specific information used during the construction process.